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So I am in my final course at DeVry University and the class chosen is Digital Marketing Fundamentals, and I have to write and PUBLISH a blog - yikes. I literally talk to much - imagine me having to write these thoughts on paper and think people actually care to read them? I'm ready

Honestly a whole lot of unnecessary information to you but imperative to me. You can read it and comment on it for my courses purposes - however there is just a bunch of sarcastic comments, some life journey situations and me trying to understand what I am doing along the way. Enjoy!

Amateur Blog Writer Thoughts....

Last Post - Cheers!

Hi Blog Loves! Guess what, this is my last blog assignment for the term. And my last term of life! I know I have kept you informed of my graduate progress throughout this whole process so thank you for sticking with me! I would like to thank Google and Wikipedia for getting me here! Just kidding, kidding! We can go ahead and dive right in as it is not only my last blog week but my busiest week at work. I am stretching myself thin and it is so good for me! Here is this week's assignment: Describe how one of the companies you are following handle customer PII. I chose to speak on Bassett Events - just because my course project has been so focused on this site and I literally try to know the business back to front no matter what!  PII: Personally Identifiable Information This basically means - anything that can be used as an identification situation to a potential consumer. Overall Bassett Events is too large of a company to jeopardize the consum

Recent posts

Week 6 - 2 Weeks Left and Counting Down

I am so excited every time I post a blog because it means I am that much closer to my degree. It has been such a long journey and I cannot wait to be finished. Anyway, it's Fall so I have spent way too much money on candles and have planned to go to the Pumpkin Patch at least 3 times and overall am working more than ever at work - there is just not enough coffee in the world to get me through. But life is all routine right now - so we will go right into the assignment. Analyze the website and mobile presence of the company you are following.  Discuss in your blog. Has the company followed good web design principles? Are the mobile applications easy to find and use? What suggestions for improvement might you make based on good web design principles? For this part of the blog I am going to look at the presence of Bassett Events. The mobile webpage and physical webpage have some great properties. The most important things to me when it comes to bei

New Blog, Who Dis?

Week 5 ya'all. I am literally so close to finishing my degree it's not even funny. I have so much more to accomplish and this is just the end of this chapter. For this week - I worked so much that I didn't get to my schooling until today - right now. Shame on me, ugh! Anyway, my job is imperative because of course it makes me the money - but doing schoolwork on a Saturday night is just not the bizzzznesssss. BUT -  that's what I did this week - work, work, work, work. Aside from that I was delegated tasks for this week's module in Digital Media Marketing so here we are... Go to several web pages or content sites and look to see what ad formats are used.  Do they conform to IAB guidelines?  (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.   Go to the same page on a mobile site and compare. Were there differences, and why do you think so? Are any of the advertisers using Mobile Rising Stars and which ones? So of course again research was need

The Halfway Mark, yo!

Hi blog reading friends of mine, Legitimately, every time I am on this blogging platform I am literally like - "What can I say to make myself seem interesting." Because, I am cool, I swear! Anyway, it is the 4th week in my Digital Marketing class which means I am halfway through my last course of college, and I cannot freaking wait to be done! Literally! Life is pretty mellow right now. Still doing buti yoga like a boss, and working myself crazy to get through these next couple months. As well as graduating, October is the busiest event season for the event venue I work for. So here's to the long days, long nights, and the days off with Moscato and a potty trained 4 year old!  *insert inspirational quote here* Moving into my class assignment this week: Analyze the natural search engine rankings of a company you are following and its social media presence. What improvements can be made, if any? What steps should the company take to improve both its or

Buti Yoga and Direct Marketing

Hi Blog Friends, For this week in terms of me - I found the most amazing workout regimen, because I know ya'all care so much. 😛 Anyway, in order to make these 8 weeks most interesting I was sure that telling you about my life was the way to go. Anyway, Bizzie Gold - founder and creator of "Buti Yoga," changed my entire world the last couple weeks, and I mean it. When I get to meet her - and I WILL.....I'm not sure how I will handle it but it will be incredible. Anyway, I have been a yoga positive human for years, but in terms of a solid workout Buti Yoga has it in the bag. This workout compbines the concept of yoga with tribal dance and heart rate expediting movement and its glorious. Find out some more interesting and creative information here . Oh and look at that - I hyperlinked, "here," like the professional blogger I am. In reference to my class this week - "The Blog Project," I think it is coming along nicely. Please refer to the o

Events, Planning, and Wine Tasting

It's Friday, right -  #TGIF and all that. It is however, a little later than I expected to be "blogging," this week. Never thought I'd be thinking all week about what I was supposed to blog about while trying to seem interesting..... A week wrap up: The Pacific Northwest is covered in smoke, I do not want to talk about politics, my 4 year old is a PRO at using our new washer and dryer set. Oh and one of my best friends chose a wine tasting on a Sunday for her birthday shenanigans and I won't be complaining - although I am trying to see if I can get her birthday drunk Saturday because, well..... millennial birthdays. Overall, work, eat, sleep, blog?, repeat....OH and I discovered Buti Yoga - yes that is B U T I - this week - look it up!  So this blog is for school, remember - that means enough about me. This week's assignment is to take the demographics of one of the followed websites (see previous blog posting if you have missed out and are wondering what

Well, Hello.

Hi there,  Welcome to my Blog!  My name is Josi Hughes and I am a 25 year old full time events coordinator, student, mom boss, and wife as of this year. This is my first blog, like ever. I have read and reread the concept of blogging, placing personal information and opinions on the web and literally writing your heart out. I have been a student at DeVry University since 2015 and this is my final term of my Bachelor's life, can you believe it? And here I am introducing myself to blogging to keep up with this assignment and whatever. First off, I aspire to be in the event planning field for my career. I have spent the basis of my time as a student doing all of my course projects in relation to the event planning extraordinaire I hope to become one day. It has made my life so much more relevant when going to school and taking direct correlations and feeding them over into everyday life. I recommend fully that if you are going to be an online student, always make it relevant.